
Welcome to Bridge Community Church of Albert Lea, where our mission is to learn, live, and share Christ. We invite you to worship with us on Sundays at 10:30 a.m.

Would you like to keep up with what is going on at church? Check out our church newsletter (below) for columns from Pastors Mark, Clayton, and Caleb, as well as church news, upcoming events, church family birthdays and anniversaries, and more.

CMA Motorcycle Blessing

May 18 • 9:00 to 10:30 a.m.

It’s riding season!
Bring your motorcycle to be blessed.
Stay to enjoy breakfast and fellowship.

Youth Summer Schedule
Grades 6-8

Visit the
church calendar
for details!

Youth Summer Schedule
Grades 9-12

Visit the
church calendar
for details!

We are seeking a Worship Leader. A person who loves Jesus Christ and has a passion for leading a church of all ages into the throne room of Christ through music. A person who can work as a part of a team with staff and the Pastors.

A person who agrees with our statement of beliefs, who will become a member of our local church where they can be a part of the body and mission of Bridge Community Church.

Someone who will stay current with the praise and worship culture who will also incorporate hymns as well.

For more information contact Pastor Mark at the church 507-373-4306.